

  • Donation Update
  • Demonstration:  How to Make Products from Beeswax & Honey
  • Bee Update


Donation UpdateTo date, the Donation Team has delivered 248 pounds of produce to the Food Bank of the Rockies! Just a reminder as our season winds down that if you have extra produce, you can leave it in the big box up front (not the kiosk). Deliveries are made late Tuesday morning/early afternoon, so best to harvest tender veggies or greens that morning. Thanks for all your donations!

Join us Sunday, October 1st, 4:30 to 6:00 (weather permitting) for a demo in the garden for anyone who wants to see how our honey, herbs, and beeswax gets made into self-care items.  I’ll set up in the gathering area over by the sheds and I’ll plan on demonstrating lip balm, salve, and lotions.  -Lori RobertsBEE UPDATE

Thanks to Tim, Patrick and Ritchie for coming out on the 17th and helping put mite strips into all the hives. We also verified that the combined hive #4 is queen right and is now positioned stronger going into Fall and will hopefully make it through. We now have 6 hives going into Fall that are looking pretty good. Hives 4 & 5 are a little light, so they will need to be fed sugar syrup through the winter to help them have enough stores to make it through – hint, hint Barbara 🙂

Since the mite strips have been in the hives for two weeks, the mites should be dramatically reduced if not totally gone. We can now remove the mite strips and install the reducers to the middle position. We’ll do this on Monday at noon. It’s fairly quick and easy as no frames need to be removed, and we should be done within an hour. We’ll also transfer some of the frames in the shed to the new airtight bins to ensure wax moths don’t get inside. Please let me know if you can help.   

After that, the primary remaining task will be to install the foam around the outside and change the reducers to the small position. This will happen in mid Oct as the weather gets colder and Patrick plans to take care of it – thanks.

What a season we have had with record honey production. Now we keep fingers crossed for a high survival rate over the winter, and then we restart the process again next Mar. I hope everyone has enjoyed learning and participating in the magic of the bees. Let me know if you want to bee on the snow removal group chat during the winter.

Keep watering as the tomatoes are still producing!



Oct 1 ,4:30-6:00  Body Care Workshop

Oct 14, 9:00-12:00 Workday


(record volunteer hours here)SIGN UP TO HELP WITH BOKASHI

All gardeners are asked to participate in one Bokashi session during the season.  One of the Bokashi team will be present at each session to guide the process and answer any bokashi questions you may have.  Each session takes about 45 minutes.  To schedule your session:  

  1. Sign in to the Hours site, 
  2. Click on the Events Sign Up tab in the top menu, 
  3. Search through the listed Bokashi dates(it’s every Saturday)
  4. Click the Bokashi date that fits your schedule.
  5. Click on the orange Sign Up box on the right hand side and sign up.


Bee Hives contact:  Brad Volin at

Compost contact:  Gary Alexander at

Donation Plots contact:

Perennial Team & Herb Garden: Christine Franck,

Plots/Membership:  Priscilla at

Website: Andrea at

Leadership Contacts:  (Priscilla, Cindy, Sarah, Liz)  (Priscilla)  (Send your updates for the News Email)  (Jackie) 
Mailing Address:  Rosedale Community Garden PO Box 415 Englewood, Co 80151-0415Visit us on the web at:


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