

  • August Work Day this Saturday – August 13th – 8:00 am start
  • Sundae Sunday – August 14th – 4:30 pm
  • Items Needed for Harvest Sale
  • Harvest Sale


WORK DAY THIS SATURDAYWe will be meeting this Saturday, August 13th from 8:00 am until 11:00 for our monthly Work Day.  This is a great way to meet your fellow gardeners and to knock out some volunteer hours.  Hope to see you there!

This Sunday, August 14th, we are having an Ice Cream Social at 4:30 in the Garden.  Please come join us for a make your own Sundae Bar. 


I’m making some flavored simple syrups and vinegars for the harvest sale, and I would love it if people have 4oz to 8oz mason jars that they would be willing to donate for that. I’ll put a large plastic bin under the kiosk tomorrow in which people could leave them. Also, if anyone grows horseradish or berries or other herbs/plants that they think would make good flavored vinegars or simple syrups, I would love some to make a few more types! Email me at or text me at 303-229-6011 to arrange a time to connect.    -Allison

I’m getting to work using some of the wax the Bee Team has been stashing away to make some hand salve to sell at the Harvest Sale.  I’d really like some Calendula petals to include in the salve – Calendula is really soothing for the skin!  If any gardeners have some petals or stems they are willing to share, please let me know.   Some lavender would be nice too!

I attached a photo for reference… Calendula (aka “Pot Marigold”) reseeds and volunteers itself nicely, so some folks may not even realize they have it growing in their plot. ?  I just need the “ok” and the plot number(s) and I will go harvest a little bit.    -Lori

image001.jpgHARVEST SALE – SEPT.17th 

Volunteers and donations needed!   Hours will be 9 am until 2 pm.  Contact Ana Tolentino at


  • Work Days:  August 13th, Sept 17th, Oct. 15th
  • Ice Cream Social Sunday, August 14, 4 pm
  • Community Garden Social, August 31st.  
  • Harvest Sale, September 17, 9-2 pm
  • Coming – baking class with the Pretzel Pastor, details coming!


(record volunteer hours here)SIGN UP TO HELP WITH BOKASHI

All gardeners are asked to participate in one Bokashi session during the season.  One of the Bokashi team will be present at each session to guide the process and answer any bokashi questions you may have.  Each session takes about 45 minutes.  To schedule your session:  

  1. Sign in to the Hours site, 
  2. Click on the Events Sign Up tab in the top menu, 
  3. Search through the listed Bokashi dates(it’s every Saturday)
  4. Click the Bokashi date that fits your schedule.
  5. Click on the orange Sign Up box on the right hand side and sign up.


Bee Hives contact:  Brad Volin at

Donation Plots contact:  Renata Hahn at
Garlic Team contact: Priscilla Yacovoni at

Perennial Team & Herb Garden contact: Sarah Muntz at

Membership and website contact: Priscilla at plots@rosedalegarden.orgLeadership Contacts:  (Priscilla, Cindy, Sarah, Liz)  (Priscilla)  (Send your updates for the Monday News Email)  (Jackie) 
Mailing Address:  Rosedale Community Garden PO Box 415 Englewood, Co 80151-0415Visit us on the web at:

If you have questions please email us at 
Rosedale Community Garden | PO Box 415 | Englewood | CO | 80151-0415


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