
It was the hottest work day of the season and everyone who participated ROCKED!!!  Maybe it was the desire to be done before we melted.  Thanks to everyone for all of the hard work.

The group harvesting garlic had everything out of the ground, bundled, tagged, and hanging in Amy’s garage by 11:00.  AMAZING!

Tom H., Helen B., Dennis H., Sissy L., Lara D., and Richard C. are rockin' Garlic Harvest 2016

Tom H., Helen B., Dennis H., Sissy L., Lara D., and Richard C. are rockin’ Garlic Harvest 2016


After the garlic bulbs are out of the ground, they need to be bundled, tied, and labeled.  The garden harvested 13 different varieties this year, so we really needed to keep them clearly labeled. Sissy and Helen were meticulous in keeping the different varieties properly identified.

Sissy L. and Helen B. bundling and tagging garlic before it goes to Amy's garage to cure for the next 4 to 6 weeks.

Sissy L. and Helen B. bundling and tagging garlic before it goes to Amy’s garage to cure for the next 4 to 6 weeks.


No excuses were accepted for not pitching in, either.  Allison T.’s due tomorrow, I think, but that didn’t stop her from harvesting garlic with us.



The bokashi team harvested two new barrels of bokashi tea for everyone to use and started four new barrels on the bokashi cycle.  Tea is available for everyone to use and can be found in the many one-gallon containers near the barrels, or in the large blue barrel with the spigot for easy access, and in the smaller blue barrel, that you will need to dip your container into to fill containers.  If possible, please refill the one-gallon containers from the blue barrels after you use them and leave them for the next gardener.

Matt F., Heesoo C., Maryilnn B., on Bokashi

Matt F., Heesoo C., Maryilnn B., on Bokashi duty

Big shout out to Heesoo for joining us on this work day to help with bokashi after celebrating the birth of his daughter just four days earlier, on July 5!!!  Congratulations to Heesoo and Dawn, and a big welcome to Olivia, the newest Rosedale gardener.


We didn’t have time to snap shots of all the work that was being done, so thanks also to:  Charlie S., Fran M., and Pete S., for your help putting new chips on pathways, Tom M. and Fran M., for weeding the north fence line (still needs more work, if someone has some time), Paula G. for weeding and cleaning up around the PAH storage bin in the front of the garden. Allison S. for doing battle with the Japanese Beetles, and Allison S. and Kathleen M. for cleaning up the northeast corner of the garden.

And as always, sorry if I left anyone out, but your help is greatly appreciated and the garden looks great thanks to everyone’s hard work.



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